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What makes your class so f’cking awesome?

I combine the principles of both Pilates and fitness conditioning to deliver an inspiring, dynamic and challenging reformer class guaranteed to get you in the best shape of your life.

What was your journey to becoming an instructor? How the hell did you get here?

Having got degrees in Textile Engineering and a Post Grad in Sport Management I followed my passion for fitness and became an aerobics instructor (much to the dismay of my folks!) That was over 25 years ago – yes, I started out when it was cool to wear your thongs over your hot pants to work out in! I have taught just about every form of fitness class going alongside my personal training work and various health club management. I love being fit and healthy and to feel good about myself my body needs to move freely which is why for the last 10 years I have focused solely on Reformer Pilates. I used to be a hardcore spin teacher and actually qualified for the World Championships Masters road racing over 100+ miles. However now I love walking my 2 schnauzers (they are the fittest dogs in East London) and conditioning my body with reformer Pilates.

What’s your favourite way to keep a healthy body and a healthy mind?

I would love to say I have a super work-life balance but I can’t – work in progress! However, I always do what I love and the minute I stop enjoying something I change things up. I believe in eating healthily and I have been a veggie since I was 8 years old (way before it was cool and when all you could get was veggie burgers and nut roasts). I do believe in eating everything in moderation. I love exercising regularly as I like living in a strong, lean and flexible body. My workouts have changed over the years from 6+ high-intensity sessions a day as I no longer enjoy punishing my body with gruelling workouts but I love being out in nature walking my dogs and then conditioning my body on the Reformer. I also have a love of personal development and a thirst for knowledge. I have done a lot of work over the years working on developing self-esteem, self-love and self-acceptance. I see so many people daily who believe if they had the “perfect body” they would be happy. Happiness can only come from within but as such we have the power to choose to be happy!

How does your choice of exercise fit/help your day to day life?

I feel fit, healthy and strong. For me, it is essential that I am authentic and walking the walk so to speak so I gain the trust and respect from my clients. Everything I advise my clients is from years of experience on either working on my only body and mind, or from the results I have experienced on others.

What is your signature move/style?

I love working obliques as 3D movement is so important for your body to keep your spine healthy so you regularly get lots of twisting moves in my class. I am especially fond of a French Twist. It is important to have your feel at right angles to your shoulders to get the maximum benefit. I also see so many people letting their weight drop back into their heels – but I forgive them as they are really just having a little rest…small steps.

What’s your favourite way to feel good fitness-wise and life wise?

Doing a job I love, keeping my own body healthy and well, helping others to live healthy and happy lives, beautiful friends, long country walks, ideally in the mountains, sunshine and long summer days and riding my cycle around London and a daily kombucha!