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What makes your class so f’cking awesome?

What makes me classes uniquely Micki is how I fuse a creative and dynamic physical practice with a spot-on spiritual dimension. You never get the same class twice and my teaching is as much challenging as it is compassionate. The movements and the music will leave you feeling energised and inspired.

What was your journey to becoming an instructor? How the hell did you get here?

My journey began in 2006 in Philadelphia PA USA. I was a typical stressed Creative Director looking for an outlet. After practicing for a just a few months I found more then an outlet, I found a new love and changed my career to yoga teacher. I too eventually changed countries in which I lived and taught. I became a certified yoga teacher in 2008 and moved to London in 2011. I've been teaching at Frame since 2014.

What is your signature move / style?

A signature “move” you will always experience in my classes is the ringing of my little bell, pulling you out of Savasana so sweetly. I guess that’s more of a signature sound.

What does your downtime look like?

My downtime has always included spending time with my partner, Steven. A saying of mine is “It’s always been Micki and Steve.” As we’re been married for over 20 years. Besides him, I cook a lot. I’m also a Nutrition Therapist so I’m reading lots and following different doctors and Nutritionists. Of course when I can I see friends and family. I’m a bit of a shoe w**re and I love charity shopping. Finding a great deal is a wonderful feeling.

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve been given?

Many years ago my father gave me advice that sticks with me to this day. I was in high school stressing about something of course…he saw I was stressed and asked me... “Is there anything you can do about it right now?” I said, “No.” He said "Then stop worrying about till there is something you can do about it.” I know it’s tough at times but I do try to follow that advice. Then there’s my mother’s comment more then advice…”Beautiful must suffer” as she was pulling my hair to make it just right for school photos :)

If you weren’t an Instructor, what would you be??

I’m not totally sure but a few years ago I came to realise my path or my Dharma, is to be a teacher of any sort. I just want to learn things and pass it on to as many people as I can.

Follow Micki on the 'gram: @playfulotusyoga