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What makes your class so f’cking awesome?

My classes are a place to have fun, get a sweat on, and just forget about all of your worries for the duration we’re in the room together! I always bring the positive vibes, the epic tunes, and a bucket load of encouragement and enthusiasm (plus a few dozen motivational ‘wooops’!). There’s something for everyone of every age and ability in my classes, proud supporter of fitness is for ALL – regardless of where you’re at in your journey!

What was your journey to becoming an instructor? How the hell did you get here?

I discovered FRAME through Class Pass a few years ago, and from my first visit I was hooked! I got a job Front of House shortly after my first class because I just wanted to be fully immersed within the FRAME world, and it was through being on the front desk that I was encouraged by Pip (one of FRAME’s awesome founders) to do the FRAME Academy Instructor Training programme. One of FRAME’s Master Trainer’s DIANA was a source of real inspiration and encouragement for me throughout my training, and I’ve been instructing here for a year now! Taking this path has been one of the best decisions I’ve ever made, and I would highly recommend it to anyone thinking about doing it too!

What makes you, you?

When I’m not shimmying away at FRAME, I’m playing the regular role of Dodo Chaplet – Companion to The First Doctor - in Doctor Who for Big Finish, and I also work on ‘F1 Tracks’ - Formula 1’s Official Music Platform! I love acting, loud music and fast cars!

What does your downtime look like?

I’m a huge reality tv fan, so I like to binge episodes of Selling Sunset whilst eating pizza. Huge pizza fan too! A pizza connoisseur, if you will.

How does your choice of exercise fit your day to day life?

I like to do things that are active as I have a lot of energy all the time (despite not drinking caffeine – weird, I know!) – so a cheeky Rebounding or Dance Cardio at FRAME helps me to stay fit and feel good! Occasionally I like to throw in a little Yin Yoga to help me find some stillness and calm, and our peaceful Yoga studios at FRAME are the perfect place for this.

What’s your favourite way to keep a healthy body and a healthy mind?

BALANCE!! And being kind to yourself. I’m a firm believer in both eating and exercising intuitively, listening to your body, and not being too restrictive. Do what is right for you, as you know yourself better than anyone else!

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve been given?

Aghhh there’s too many for this one – I’m a sucker for an inspirational quote!! Can I pick 2? Here they are.. 1. Always do your best, as your best is always good enough! 2. Your life is your responsibility! So work hard, be kind (always), stay grateful, and have FUN – you call the shots!! Oh and a 3rd favourite of mine is instead of saying ‘I HAVE to do this’, try saying ‘I GET to do this!’ – works brilliantly when you’re feeling a bit worried about something!

If you weren’t an Instructor, what would you be??

A celebrity realtor on Selling Sunset selling multi-million dollar listings in the Hollywood Hills to rockstars, obviously….

Guilty pleasure?

80s hair metal, and watching re-runs of an old reality dating show called ‘Rock of Love’ with Bret Michaels from Poison.

What’s your favourite way to feel good fitness-wise and life wise?

I like to play my favourite music on the way to the gym / a class or anything that requires my full focus to get myself pumped!! Fitness instructors can have days where we don’t feel our best too, so music for me is such a powerful tool to boost my mood and give me those feel-good vibes to smash both my workout or the rest of the day & week ahead!

Follow Lauren on the 'gram: @lauren_cornelius