This super session has been carefully designed to mobilise and strengthen the entire body - keeping your body feeling sprightly, strong and supple, and getting great results. Over 60 minutes, we’ll first work your joints, range and flexibility and then push your muscles to do more. You’ll leave feeling pretty invincible - and smug about your fast progress. Long term, this kind of workout is super important for your metabolic health, your bone density, muscle mass and cognitive function.
Strong in body, strong in mind. And possibly a little bit sweaty!
Everyone benefits from mobility and strength-training - to support your movement, your blood sugar regulation and weight management, ensuring your metabolism is ticking along at a high rate and your body moves well. There’s a particular imperative for women heading towards peri and post-menopause, who need to maintain bone density and muscle mass, but really everyone who wants to feel good in later life should be putting this kind of work in now. There’s a strong link between strength training and focus for your mind and body, which can also help with managing stress (and getting sh*t done!).