Sadly not a lovely lie down on a Reformer bed! A Reformer is a machine that uses springs and pulleys to support you in the exercises, or to add resistance. Reformer Pilates is a full-body workout that will work on strength, flexibility, coordination, and balance whilst targeting the 'power house' muscles (abs, lower back, hips and glutes). You will also fire up your deep stabiliser muscles that will stabilise your spine, pelvis and core. All of our Instructors have their own style, but are all Pilates-trained and so expect a focus on technique, rather than a workout on a Reformer.
Energised, focused and ready for anything.
Mastering the Reformer bed and learning new moves and sequences is actually training your brain, improving your memory and cognitive function. Next time you're embarrassed about how loud your Pilates breathing is know that deep, controlled breathing is doing wonders for your nervous system.