Please read our Terms and Conditions (Terms) carefully as these Terms constitute our legal contract with you. By booking classes, courses or workshops with us (Sessions) or purchasing a membership you are confirming you have read the Terms and agree to be bound by them. Please also refer back to these Terms from time to time as they may change (and we reserve the right to do so).
In these Terms:
we, us, our means Endorphin Dealers Limited (Company Number 13840526, whose registered office is 29 New Inn Yard, Shoreditch, London, EC2A 3EY), trading as Frame. We supply all Sessions subject to these Terms; and
you, your, yours means you, the client.
The nature of our business and the provision by us of Sessions to you means that we will collect and process certain of your personal data from time to time. We will only do so in accordance with our Privacy Notice, which you can read by clicking the following link: Privacy Policy.
Many of our Sessions involve strenuous physical activity and we recommend that you seek medical advice before attending or participating in a Session (including online). For your own safety and the safety of others we rely on you using our facilities and premises and participating in our Sessions (including online) in the intended manner and your acceptance of these Terms constitutes your confirmation that you will do so, that you will comply with our reasonable instructions in relation to your attendance at our premises or participation in a Session and that you agree to the content of our Health and Safety Statement, a copy of which you can view here.
In order to book Sessions you must sign up for an account (Account) at (our Website). You must be at least 18 years of age to attend any Sessions at Frame.
A) Our Sessions include Standard Classes, Premium Classes and Workshops (each as described further on our Website), and may include classes designed to be available online.
B) In booking a Session you agree to comply with any additional rules we may make known to you in relation to the Session from time to time, including how you may use our premises, facilities and your conduct whilst doing so.
C) All Sessions and instructors are subject to change from time to time, even after you have booked. We will let you know about any changes as soon as we can, either via email or SMS.
D) Access to our premises, Sessions and any other goods and services we may supply from time to time is at our discretion and we reserve the right to refuse you access to any of the same, or to suspend or otherwise terminate your Account if we consider that you are in breach of these Terms, the Session Rules or your behaviour at our Premises is inappropriate, aggressive, rude, threatening or otherwise damaging to our customers, staff or our reputation more generally. If we do so you will not be entitled to any refunds whatsoever.
We offer the following different types of membership, which offer you different ways of paying for Sessions (please also see section 7 below for details of payment methods):
Pay-as-you-go You can purchase individual credits which can be redeemed against individual Sessions on a pay-as-you-go basis. The drop-in rate for each Session is set out on our Website.
Packages You can purchase standalone bundles of credits at discounted rates (Packages) which can be redeemed against specific individual or sets of Sessions. Details of the Packages we offer including prices and expiry dates, are set out on our Website.
Monthly Subscription You can purchase a monthly subscription for monthly bundles of credits, which you can redeem against specific Sessions in the relevant month. Monthly subscriptions are subject to a 3 month minimum subscription period. Please see section 16 below for additional applicable terms.
Unlimited Membership You can purchase an Unlimited Membership, which entitles you to book and attend unlimited numbers of certain types of Sessions in each month. Unlimited Memberships are subject to a 3 month minimum subscription period. Please see section 17 below for additional applicable terms.
A) The cost of each Session varies in value depending on type and content, and you will need to purchase the appropriate credit in order to attend the right Session, as follows:
Class – 1 Standard Class credit
Premium Class – 1 Premium Class Credit
Workshop – 1 Workshop Credit
Event – 1 Event credit
B) You will be able to see the type of credit required for each Session and the cost of that credit at the time you book a Session, and the price of each credit will be adjusted in your Account according to how you have chosen to pay for Sessions. If you have chosen to purchase a Monthly Subscription or an Unlimited Membership, all Sessions that are included within your Monthly Subscription or Unlimited Membership will have no cost attributed to them when you come to book a Session.
C) Details of all credits and their price are set out on our Website, including whether they are studio-specific or capable of being used across all of our premises.
D) Subject to these Terms and your right to cancel (see section 10 below), all credits are non-refundable. You may not transfer any credits to another person.
E) All credits purchased will have an expiry date shown in your Account and you must use them prior to such date. We are not able to extend credits beyond their expiry date under any circumstances. You will not be entitled to a refund in respect of any unused but expired credits.
F) From time to time we may offer promotional pricing or other offers, and any credits purchased in this way may have a shorter expiry time. This will be set out in full on our Website and will be confirmed to you at the point of purchase.
A) Pay-as-you-go and Packages. You can pay using your credit or debit card via our online checkout process. Save in respect of your right to cancel (see section 10 below), all pay-as-you-go and Package purchases are non-refundable and cannot be transferred to any other person.
B) Monthly Subscriptions and Unlimited Memberships. You can pay for your chosen Monthly Subscription or Unlimited Membership by credit or debit card via our online checkout process. Your first month’s membership fee payment will be processed on the date you sign up for your membership. Your subsequent months’ membership fee payments will then be processed via your original payment method on the same day in each month that corresponds to the day of the month on which you signed up for your membership (or the nearest equivalent day in shorter months (where relevant)). If payment is unsuccessful on the payment date, we will email you to notify you of the unsuccessful payment. If after 48 hours of notice being given, payment has still not been made, then your membership will be cancelled and any existing (but unpaid) bookings for Sessions or any new Sessions you book will be charged at the applicable pay-as-you-go drop-in rate. As above (and described further in sections 15 and 16 below), all Monthly Subscriptions and Unlimited Memberships are subject to a minimum initial membership period of 3 months and, save in respect of your right to cancel (see section 10 below), are non-refundable and cannot be transferred to any other person. If you would like to purchase any Sessions that are not included within your membership then you can do so using your credit or debit card via our online checkout process.
A) Where you have purchased Sessions on a pay-as-you-go basis, a Package, a Monthly Subscription or an Unlimited Membership via our Website then you may cancel your purchase within 14 days of the date of your purchase (Cooling Off Period) by contacting one of our studios by telephone, in person or email or here: Contact Us.
B) If you cancel during the Cooling Off Period and have not booked any Sessions then you will be refunded the full charge for the relevant purchase.
C) If you cancel during the Cooling Off Period and have booked 1 or more Sessions then you will be refunded the full charge for the relevant purchase less the cost of the Sessions booked.
A) All Sessions must be booked via your Account and, unless otherwise specified at the time of booking, in order to book a Session you must either:
(i) have at least one appropriate credit in your Account for the Session you would like to book; or
(ii) purchase an appropriate credit via your booking journey. When you book a session you will be charged the Session price or one relevant credit will be deducted from your Account unless otherwise stated.
B) Your booking on a Session is only confirmed once you have received an email confirmation from us or the Session appears in the ‘Upcoming Bookings’ section of your Account. Please make sure you receive a booking confirmation before you attend the Session. If you do not receive a confirmation please contact us by phone, e-mail (studio email addresses can be found by clicking this link: Contact Us), or in-person through the receptionist on duty at our premises at which the Session is scheduled to occur. Session prices are subject to change at any time before we accept your booking.
C) Please refer to our Website for Session availability. Sessions may be booked up to 14 days in advance, except for specific workshops and events, that may be made available up to 2 months in advance, based on when the workshop is confirmed.
D) All Sessions are subject to availability, and whilst we try to ensure that suitable numbers and types of Sessions are available, we cannot guarantee that you will be able to book any particular Session, even if you have the appropriate type of credits on your Account.
E) We reserve the right to update the Sessions available to book on our timetable, as and when necessary. There is no guarantee that a Session will remain available to book ongoing.
F) If a Session is fully booked then you may either:
(i) join an alternative Session; or
(ii) joint a waiting list for the fully booked Session. If you are on the waiting list for a fully booked Session and a space becomes available up to 2 hours prior to the start of the Session, you will automatically be enrolled in the Session and a relevant credit will be deducted from your Account. We will notify you by email or SMS in such instances. You will not, however, be added to the Session if you do not have sufficient credits on your Account, or the Session is not otherwise included in a Package, Monthly Subscription or Unlimited Membership that you have purchased. As waiting list places are allocated automatically up to 2 hours prior to the start of the Session, it is your responsibility to ensure that you can make it to the Session on time. You can cancel your place on the waiting list at any time for a full refund until places are allocated at the Session. If a space becomes available on a Session within 2 hours of the start time, places will no longer be allocated to people on the waitlist, but spaces will be available to book via the website, in the studio or over the phone.
A) You may change or cancel your booking for a Session, without charge, up to 12 hours before the start of the Session that you have booked (or 48 hours for a workshop or event). We will refund your account with a credit for the cancelled Session, which you can use to rebook a future Session. If you book onto a Session within 12 hours of its scheduled start time (or 48 hours for a workshop or event), you are not entitled to change or cancel.
B) Save as set out in section c below (which only applies to Unlimited Memberships), you are not entitled to change or cancel your booking for a Session or otherwise elect to receive a refund for the Session (including for a no show) within 12 hours of its scheduled start time (or 48 hours for a workshop or event).
C) If you have purchased an Unlimited Membership and you do not show up to a Session that you have booked or you cancel your booking for a Session within 12 hours of the scheduled Session start time (or 48 hours for a workshop or event) then you will incur a £5 fine per Session (or £10 for a workshop or event). However, if you wish to change your Session booking for another Session on the same day then you can contact the relevant studio (Contact Us) who may switch your booking to the new Session (this does not apply for workshop or event bookings). Any such changes will be subject to availability and are made at our discretion, and where you change a Session booking in this way then the £5 fine (or £10 for a workshop or event) will not apply.
D) Any fines applied as set out in section (c) above will be payable within 48 hours of the completion of the applicable Session and processed via your original payment method (see Section 15 below). You may change or cancel a Session booking online, by phone, or in-person at the studio at which the Session is scheduled to occur. If you wish to query any such fines please contact us by clicking this link: Contact Us.
We operate a policy which prevents you from taking part in a Session if you are more than 5 minutes late for the relevant Session (in such situations you will be deemed to be “late”). This policy is in place to prevent injury and to be mindful of the teacher and other participants in the Session. In line with our cancellation policy, you will not be refunded for Sessions you are unable to attend because you are late.
In the event that we cancel a Session that you have booked, we will make reasonable efforts to contact you by email or telephone to let you know. We will offer you the option of being transferred to another equivalent Session at an alternative date and time (subject to availability). Where you have purchased a Session on a pay-as-you-go basis, we will refund your account with a credit for the cancelled Session, which you can use to rebook a future Session.
We are responsible for loss or damage you suffer that is a foreseeable result of our breach of these Terms or our negligence, but we are not responsible for any loss or damage that is not foreseeable, or for loss or damage which is your own fault or which is attributed to a third party unconnected with the provision of our services. Loss or damage is foreseeable if it is an obvious consequence of our breach or if it was contemplated by you and us at the time we accepted your order.
We do not in any way exclude or limit our liability for death or personal injury caused by our negligence, fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation or for any breach of any terms implied by law.
Please note that we cannot be held responsible for your personal belongings whilst at our premises.
We reserve the right to review and change membership fees and Session fees periodically. If you have purchased a Monthly Subscription or Unlimited Membership, once your initial 3 month minimum subscription period has come to an end, if you choose to continue with your membership (i.e. by continuing on a rolling monthly basis), the membership fee will be charged at the rate prevailing per month for monthly rolling contracts.
The following additional terms apply where you elect to purchase a Monthly Subscription:
A) where you elect to purchase a Monthly Subscription you will receive a specific number of credits for Sessions each month (the month is calculated in line with your billing cycle), which can be specific to a certain type of Session;
B) all credits for a given month will expire at the end of that month’s billing cycle and cannot be carried over into the next month or otherwise refunded to you;
C) you can purchase Sessions that are not included in the Monthly Subscription at the applicable drop-in rate for the Session (as set out on the Website)
D) upon purchasing a Monthly Subscription we will email you confirming your Monthly Subscription type, including details of the Sessions included and any applicable restrictions;
E) monthly Subscription fees are set out on the Website and are subject to change from time to time;
F) you may freeze your Monthly Subscription for a period of one month (only) in any 12 month period at any time after the end of your initial 3 month minimum subscription period, by telling us at least 2 weeks prior to the date on which your next monthly payment is due to be made. In order to do so, please contact our team at: Contact Us;
G) you may not terminate your Monthly Subscription during your initial 3 month minimum subscription period. Thereafter, in order to terminate your Monthly Subscription, you must give us a minimum of 30 days’ notice via e-mail to or using our Contact Form to ensure that your membership ends and that no further payments are taken. If you do not notify us that you would like to terminate your Monthly Subscription in this manner then your Monthly Subscription will continue on a monthly basis with your payments continuing to be taken as set out in Section 7.b above.
The following additional terms apply where you elect to purchase an Unlimited Membership:
A) if you purchase an Unlimited Membership you will be entitled to an unlimited number of credits for Sessions each month (the month is calculated in line with your billing cycle), which may be specific to types of Sessions or particular locations depending on the membership type you purchase;
B) you can purchase additional Sessions not included in your Unlimited Membership at the applicable drop-in rate for the Session (as set out on the Website)
C) upon purchasing an Unlimited Membership we will email you confirming your Unlimited Membership type, including details of the Sessions included and any applicable restrictions;
D) details of our Unlimited Memberships and applicable fees are set out on our Website and are subject to change from time to time;
E) please note that Unlimited Memberships are subject to availability and we cannot guarantee that we will be able to offer you a new Unlimited Membership at any particular time; and
F) you may not terminate your Unlimited Membership during your initial 3 month minimum subscription period. Thereafter, in order to terminate your Unlimited Membership, you must give us a minimum of 30 days’ notice via e-mail to or using our Contact Form to ensure that your membership ends and that no further payments are taken. If you do not notify us that you would like to terminate your Unlimited Membership in this manner then your Unlimited Membership will continue on a monthly basis with your payments continuing to be taken as set out in Section 7.a above.
G) Annual and Quarterly Memberships are not refundable after the 2-week cooling off period. We reserve the right to update the Sessions available on the Timetable at any time.
From time to time we may make various products available for you to purchase via our Website or at our studios and we may elect to implement specific terms and conditions or policies that apply to any purchase you may make of such products or where you wish to return products to us after purchase. This does not affect your statutory rights.
From time to time we may run various promotions, prize draws and other offers (each a Promotion). We may implement separate terms and conditions in respect of any such Promotion, and will advise you accordingly where this is the case. However, notwithstanding this:
A) we reserve the right to end any promotion without warning at any time;
B) we also reserve the right to withdraw your right to any Promotion if we consider, in our absolute discretion, that you have abused, misused or gained an unfair advantage in respect of the Promotion. Misuse includes, but is not limited to, the creation of multiple customer accounts and self-referral;
C) additionally, we reserve the right to not fulfil any future Sessions bookings made by any customer found to have abused, misused or gained an unfair advantage in respect of the Promotion; and
D) any prizes offered by us in connection with a Promotion must be claimed within 21 days of the announcement of the winners. We have 45 days to issue any such prize. We reserve the right to substitute any prize or promotion for the equivalent value in Sessions.
From time to time we may make discount codes available to you, and your use of any such discount codes shall be subject to additional terms and conditions, which we will make you aware of at the time of use. Discount codes may only apply to certain Sessions and we will set this out in our applicable promotional communications. In the event that Sessions booked using a discount code are cancelled, the relevant Session will be cancelled in accordance with the terms of section 12 above. In addition:
A) we reserve the right to end or withdraw any Discount Code without warning at any time;
B) we also reserve the right to withdraw your right to use any Discount Code if we consider, in our absolute discretion, that you have abused, misused or gained an unfair advantage in respect of the Discount Code; and
C) additionally, we reserve the right to not fulfil any future Sessions bookings made by any customer found to have abused, misused or gained an unfair advantage in respect of the Discount Code.
By you: Any written notice, enquiry or feedback should be provided using our Contact Form, which can be found at: Contact Us. You may change or cancel a Session booking by phone, or in-person at our premises.
By us: We may contact you using any of the contact details you provide to us when you sign up for a membership, which may include via telephone or text message. Our Privacy Notice (which you can access following the link set out above) sets out how we may process your personal data, which includes the contact details you provide to us.
We shall not be liable to you or deemed to be in breach of these Terms by reason of any delay in performing or any failure to perform any of our obligations in relation to these Terms if the delay was due to any cause beyond our reasonable control, including, but not limited to, acts of god, terrorism, explosion, flood, storm, fire, war or threat of war, riot, sabotage, insurrection, civil disturbance, restrictions, regulations, by-laws, prohibitions or measures of any kind on the part of any government, parliamentary, or local authority, strikes, lockouts or other industrial action or trade disputes (whether involving our employees or those of any third party), I.T. system failures, viruses, pandemic, epidemic, civil emergency or other widespread illness, difficulties in obtaining raw materials, labour, fuel, parts or machinery, power failure or breakdown in machinery.
In the event that all of our studios are closed for a period of 15 days or more due to any cause beyond our reasonable control, we will grant you a membership freeze until one or more of our studios has reopened.
No delay or failure by either party to exercise any of its powers, rights or remedies under these Terms will operate as a waiver of them, nor will any single or partial exercise of any such powers, rights or remedies preclude any other or further exercise of them. Any waiver, to be effective, must be in writing.
If any part of these Terms is found by a court of competent jurisdiction or other competent authority to be invalid, unlawful or unenforceable then such part will be severed from these Terms, the remainder of which will continue to be valid and enforceable to the fullest extent permitted by law.
These Terms together with our disclaimer and any policies we have in force from time to time constitute the entire agreement between us and you and shall have effect to the exclusion of any other memorandum, agreement, or understanding of any kind, whether oral or written, between us and you.
These Terms constitute a contract between you and us. No other person shall have the right to enforce any of these Terms.
These Terms shall be governed by and construed in accordance with English law and the parties hereby agree to submit the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts.
Please read carefully.
a) This is the Privacy Notice of Frame which is the trading name of Endorphin Dealers Ltd. (company number 13840526) whose registered office is at 29 New Inn Yard, Shoreditch, London, Greater London, EC2A 3EY (“ we”, “us” or “our”) and sets out how we collect and process your personal data. This Privacy Notice also provides certain information that is legally required and lists your rights in relation to your personal data.
b) This Privacy Notice relates to personal data that identifies “ you” meaning our customers or individuals who browse our website and other individuals outside our organisation with whom we interact. However if you are an employee or otherwise engaged in work for us or applying to work for us, a separate privacy notice applies to you instead.
c) We refer to this information throughout this Privacy Notice as “personal data” and paragraph 3 sets out further detail of what this includes.
d) Please read this Privacy Notice to understand how we may use your personal data
e) This Privacy Notice may vary from time to time so please check it regularly. This original version was published on 4th of Feb 2022.
a) Data controller and contact details
For the purposes of relevant data protection legislation, we are the controller of the personal data you provide to us and as a controller we use the personal data we hold on you in accordance with this Privacy Notice.
If you wish to access or correct your personal data held by us or if you need to contact us in connection with our use of your personal data, then these should be directed to the Data Privacy Manager (see below) using the following details:
By Email:
b) Data Privacy Manager
Our Data Privacy Manager is Pip Black and you can contact her at:
a) The categories of personal data about you that we may collect are:
- Individual Data which includes personal data you provide to us in person, via our website or by telephone, including the personal and contact details (such as your first name, middle name, last name, username or similar identifier, title, date of birth and gender, billing address, delivery address, email address and telephone numbers, family and associate details, and physical or mental health details) you supply when booking a class, signing up to our newsletter and contact us to let us know we are doing well or to make a complaint or ask a membership / press / brand collaboration / marketing / shop / recruitment / general enquiry;
- Audio and Visual Data which includes personal data which is gathered using our CCTV or other recording systems in the form of images or video footage that is taken at one of our studios or otherwise by us for promotional purposes;
- Account and Profile Data which includes personal data which relates to your account or profile on our website, such as your username and password, purchases or orders made by you, your interests, preferences, feedback and survey responses;
- Advertising and Marketing Data which includes personal data which relates to your marketing preferences, such as information about your preferences in receiving marketing materials from us and our third parties and your communication preferences as well as your personal interests;
- Sales Data which includes personal data which relates to the transactions you have conducted with us, such as details about payments to and from you, details of the products, services, classes and memberships you have purchased from us;
- Economic and Financial Data which includes personal data which relates to your finances, such as your bank account and payment card details and information which we collect from you for the purposes of the prevention of fraud;
- Market Research Data which includes personal data which is gathered for the purposes of market research, such as price comparison information;
- Information Technology Data which includes personal data which relates to your use of our website, such as your internet protocol (IP) address, login data, traffic data, weblogs and other communication data, browser type and version, time zone setting and location, browser plug-in types and versions, operating system and platform and other technology on the devices you use to access our website; andHealth Data which includes personal data which is gathered for health and safety purposes including any accident report or claim log.
b) We may also create personal data about you, for example, if you contact us by telephone to make a complaint, such about our services or products, then we may make a written record of key details of the conversation so that we can take steps to address the complaint.
c) We also obtain and use certain aggregated data such as statistical or demographic data for any purpose (“aggregated data”). Aggregated data may be derived from your personal data but does not directly or indirectly reveal your identity. For example, we may aggregate your operational data to calculate the percentage of users accessing a specific feature on our website. However, if we re-combine or re-connect aggregated data with your personal data so that it can directly or indirectly identify you, we treat the combined data as personal data which will be used in accordance with this Privacy Notice.
d) In addition, we may obtain certain special categories of your data (“ special categories of data”), and this Privacy Notice specifically sets out how we may process these types of personal data. The special categories of data are: (i) data concerning health.
e) We do not collect information about criminal convictions and offences.
We obtain your personal data from the following sources:
(a) Directly from you, either in person (at our studios or otherwise), via our website or by telephone. This could include personal data which you provide when you:
(b) Automated technologies, such as CCTV or other
recording systems, cookies, server logs and other similar technologies. We may automatically collect Information technology data about your equipment, browsing actions and patterns by using cookies, server logs and other similar technologies. [We may also receive information technology data about you if you visit other websites employing our cookies.] Please see our cookie policy for further details. Audio and visual data may be collected on you if you attend any of our studios for security purposes.
(c) Third parties, such as:
(d) Publicly available sources, such as Companies House.
a) We may rely on one or more of the following legal bases when processing your personal data. We have set out below the purposes for which we may process your personal data:
By signing up to any membership, package or program and/or attending any Sessions, events or any other activities and using any Frame studios, machinery and/or equipment (Frame Studios), you acknowledge that you are responsible for using the Frame Studios and participating in Sessions safely and as directed. You acknowledge that you must behave sensibly and follow any safety instructions we may give so as not to hurt or injure yourself or others.
You hereby represent that you will:
In the absence of any negligence or other breach of duty by us, attendance at and use of the Frame Studios is entirely at your own risk and you assume full responsibility for any injuries or damage suffered by you when attending and using the Frame Studios.