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Frame the day with Holly

By Cesca

We caught up with this week’s featured FRAMER Holly to find out how she FRAMES her day…

Tell us a little bit about why moving your FRAME is important to you…

Frame helps me manage my anxiety, exercise really is amazing for your mental health. Frame’s business ethos speaks to me, it’s all about moving to feel good not look good. I also love that it is a female-owned business and that you use non-aggressive marketing. I found previously that other gyms really switched me off with ‘bootcamp’ style workouts, which isn’t for me. I absolutely love that loads of the FRAME instructors come from performance backgrounds – they just know how to hold a room and make it fun.

Has FRAME ever helped you through a difficult time? 

As we went into lockdown again in November 2020, my dad, unfortunately, had a recurrence of his cancer and I found myself isolating completely alone with my parents, in an Airbnb near where he was receiving treatment. It was a really hard time as he wasn’t well and due to the lockdown, we weren’t able to have any external support. I had also just started a new job remotely and found myself juggling that and providing support for my parents, without being able to have any respite or see friends.

Frame Online was such a lifesaver, I would look forward to that 45 minutes at the end of the day to myself where I could escape for a bit and I have so much respect for the instructors who brought the energy online, even though many of them are freelancers and had their own fallout to deal with as a result of the pandemic.


Why does FRAME work for you?

Your classes are just really good fun, and accessible. It makes working out really enjoyable for me.


What’s your top 3 classes?

Reformer, Box-Fit, Dance Cardio ( My flatmates and I love doing Dance Cardio on Livestream)


How do you fit FRAME into your day?

Morning or evening classes are the ones for me. If I go into the office I like to do a morning class before work, it helps kick start my day!

If you have had a bad day what’s the one class which is always going to pick you up?

Dance Cardio, special mention to Chris and Charles who were my go-to lockdown pick me ups!


Do you have a class you didn’t think you would love and now adore?

Yes, strength! I really thought I wouldn’t like it but I LOVED it. I’ve always kind of shied away from strength training from it but Temi’s online strength Livestream class really opened up my eyes and helped me feel more confident (I 100% recommend her online class).

What class originally drew you to FRAME and why?

I found out about FRAME through a friend. Music Video really stood out to me, I didn’t know of any other gyms that were doing it at that time.


What’s the one bit of advice would you give to pre FRAME you?

Don’t listen to beauty magazines. You just need to find an exercise you enjoy. Do it for yourself, it’s not about looking a certain way, it’s about feeling a certain way. Also just don’t bother with a ‘normal’ gym, it’s just not for you.


If you had to pick a favourite FRAME instructor, who would it be?

I couldn’t pick a favourite – they are all so great! Julius has made such a huge impact on me, he’s so smiley and positive and always makes my day better.


What’s the 3 words you would use to explain what FRAME means to you…

Inclusive. Positivity. Party.


When you are not FRAMING what are you up to?

You can find me exploring the London restaurant scene and climbing up something tall.

Tell us a day about when FRAME saved the day.

In the first lockdown, my flatmates and I had really had enough – peak lockdown blues. We decided to do Disco Flow on Livestream one evening and it absolutely saved us! It made us feel so much better! My flatmates didn’t think they would like it but they ended up loving it! I recommend following Andy and Adam on Instagram if you are ever in the need of a glittery pick me up!

If Holly’s story has inspired you to FRAME your day why not have a browse of our upcoming classes?