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Meet Peter Clerkin

By jayne

Meet Peter Clerkin

What was your journey to becoming a Pilates instructor?

As a child I always played sport, later I did a sports and exercise science degree because I wanted to learn and understand more about the human body and what it was capable of. I coached sports (youth football and basketball) and I worked as a PT and Spin Instructor, but at some point, I was finding this unfulfilling, and I was bored. I retrained as a Pilates teacher and my experience after my first class, in my first training day was “I don’t know what I’ve just done, but I love it!’ 10 years on from that I still feel the same about Pilates 

I love Pilates because…

It takes me into flow more than any other activity. Afterward, you feel improved emotional and mental health, and the physical, mental, and emotional benefits continue the more you practice.

Describe your teaching style in 3 words

Thoughtful, Encouraging and Playful

Best feedback/review you’ve ever received

I received an email review of me that started ‘Peter is the mutha****ing don!, Which made me laugh and smile for most of that day

What’s your go-to Reformer move and WHY?

I tend to use ‘Mermaid’ a lot. It’s such an easy win. Spine, shoulder, and hip mobility are developed when performing the exercise and it just feels really good to do.

What do you get up to when you’re not teaching Pilates?

I’m always reading at least one book at any given time, I like to get coffee and cake somewhere to do that. Dinner and movie nights with my wife are my favourite way to decompress from teaching. I’m currently learning Spanish and hoping to find some conversation partners in London now that we can all meet up again.  

The one thing you wish people knew about Pilates…

That it’s not just for dancers and there are no special requirements to start practicing it other than a curiosity to experience what it is. 

Besides from your fabulous self - who are your favourite Frame Pilates teachers and why?

I’ve worked with Melissa Lopez and Guilia Di Patrizi in different studios (and with Guilia I taught and assessed her in her first Reformer qualification in Pilates), so I’ve enjoyed seeing them grow and develop as teachers.  

Recently I’ve worked more closely with Tom Pitiris and love the energy and creativity he brings to his classes, and he is always wanting to learn and develop.

Best piece of advice you’ve ever been given?

No one cares how much knowledge you have until you can articulate how that knowledge is useful and beneficial to them.